Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life is a Garden. People, the plants!

People are like plants. They need solid ground (trust) to stand. But make that too hard or too soft (too possessive or too complacent) and the friendship withers away. Sometimes our friendship becomes like sand. Complacent, ignorant, so self-obsessed that it won’t hold any water (warm moments). All you can grow in there is the occasional cactus. And trust me, not everybody is that robust. At the same time, if your friendship becomes bedrock (testy, possessive, and paranoid) people go away.
You have a variety of friends. There must be one so radiant and positive that he/she brings joy to people and life to the party. That’s your sunflower. There is almost always a friend who loves you or whom you love. Great, we got a rose in your backyard (or an entire bush of roses, going by the modern day). Remember; where there are roses, there are thorns. Would you be foolish enough to place the roses next to the delicate sunflower? You have a friend who is kind and helpful. That means you’ve planted a little sapling of a fruit bearing tree as well. Don’t let the grandeur of the tree crush the little daffodils growing under its shadow. Every plant needs nurturing, so does every friendship.

Your life is a garden. People are the plants. They need water (warmth and support), sunlight (positivity), air (attention and time), space, and lots and lots of love. I don’t say it’ll be easy. The thorns in the roses will prick you. The sunflower will attract bees (lots of attention and trouble). The fruit-tree will make you work hard, asking for more time and attention lest the fruits (kindness) start to rot. But you’ll realize that true happiness, true peace, will come only when you learn to maintain your garden properly. I don’t know how, you know Farmville better than I do. But that is what you have to do!

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